Journal Articles
2024 Grávalos, M.E. “The Geopower of Kaolin Clay: Toward a Political Geology of Archaeological Ceramics”. In American Anthropologist.
2024 Williams, P.R., D.A. Reid, M.E. Grávalos, E. Marsh, V. Belisle, C. Conlee, S. Kerchusky, and G. McEwan. “Wari across the Andes: Modeling the radiocarbon evidence”. Invited paper for special issue “Leveraging Radiocarbon in the Central Andes: From Chronologies to Research Agendas” in Quaternary International.
2023 Grávalos, M.E., D.A. Reid, D.J. Nash and P.R. Williams. “Crafting Cosmopolitanism: Ceramic Production and Exchange during Wari Imperialism (600-1000 CE)”. For special issue “Collaborative Analyses of Elemental Data: A Special Issue on Andean Ceramics and Ancient Political Networks” in Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
2023 Gorman, A.J., M.E. Grávalos, and K.J., Vaughn. “Examining the Nasca Religious Network on the South Coast of Peru: LA-ICP-MS of Early Nasca Ceramics from the Upper Ica Valley (AD 250-450)”. For special issue “Collaborative Analyses of Elemental Data: A Special Issue on Andean Ceramics and Ancient Political Networks” in Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
2023 S. Chacaltana Cortez, E. Baca Marroquin, C. Hernández Garavito, S. Norman, and M.E. Grávalos. “Inka and Local Ceramic Production and Distribution Networks: A View from the Chinchaysuyo and Colesuyo”. For special issue “Collaborative Analyses of Elemental Data: A Special Issue on Andean Ceramics and Ancient Political Networks” in Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
2022 Grávalos, M.E., R.E. Bria, and G.F. Lau. “An Examination of Recuay Kaolin Pottery Production and Exchange through Petrography and LA-ICP-MS (100 – 700 CE; Ancash, Peru)”. Archaeometry, 64 (6), 1340-1358.
2022 Grávalos, M.E. and E.A. Sharp. “Memory Work and Place-making over the Longue Durée at Jecosh, Peru (340 B.C.–A.D. 1630)”. Journal of Field Archaeology, 47 (3), 175-195.
2021 Tomczyk, W. and M.E. Grávalos. “Changing to Remain the Same: Everyday Animal Use at Ancient Jecosh, North-central Peru”. World Archaeology, 53 (2), 305-326.
2021 Grávalos, M.E. and R.E. Bria. “Prehispanic Highland Textile Technologies: A View from the First Millennium AD at Hualcayán, Ancash, Peru”. Latin American Antiquity, 32 (4), 781-799.
2019 Vaughn, K.J., M.E. Grávalos, M.Z. Zegarra, and A.J. Gorman. “Cerro Tortolita, an Early Intermediate Period Ceremonial Center in the Upper Ica Valley”. Peruvian Archaeology, 3, 1-32.
Edited Journal Issues
In Progress Grávalos, M.E. and A.P. Roddick. “Political Geologies Past and Present: Ontology, Knowledge, and Affect” for the Cambridge Archaeological Journal. Special Issue proposal accepted July 22, 2024. Expected publication of issue: 2025.
2023 Grávalos, M.E, P.R. Williams, and L.A. Muro Ynoñán. “Collaborative Analyses of Elemental Data: A Special Issue on Andean Ceramics and Ancient Political Networks” in Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. *Contributed articles listed in prior section.
Manuscripts in Progress
Under review Grávalos, M.E. “Material Mediations of Statecraft: Examining Casma Ceramic Paste Recipes, North Coast of Peru (ca. AD 700–1400)”. Revision submitted to Antiquity November 2024.
In Prep Grávalos, M.E. “The geoaesthetics of Andean pottery amidst climate instability”. Manuscript for Cambridge Archaeological Journal to be submitted Fall 2024 as a part of special issue titled “Political Geologies Past and Present: Ontology, Knowledge, and Affect”.
In Prep Grávalos, M.E. and A.P. Roddick. “’The state has the right to the sub-soil’: political geology and archaeological practice”. Manuscript for Cambridge Archaeological Journal to be submitted Fall 2024 as a part of special issue titled “Political Geologies Past and Present: Ontology, Knowledge, and Affect”.
2022 M.E. Grávalos. Invited book review of Ancient Households on the North Coast of Peru, by Ilana Johnson, David Pacifico, and Robyn E. Cutright (eds), Current World Archaeology, No. 113: 55.
2021 P.R. Williams, E. Suzukovich III, M.E. Grávalos, and L. Muro Ynoñán. “SAA 2022—Chicago Excursions” in the SAA Archaeological Record, 21 (5): 6-7.
Technical Reports
2020 D.K. Herrera Rondan, M.E. Grávalos, E.A. Sharp. Informe Final: Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica – Jecosh. Resolución Directoral No 146-2017/DGPA/VMPCIC/MC. Ministerio de Cultura del Perú.
2017 S. Peña del Castillo, M.E. Grávalos, E.A. Sharp. Informe Final: Proyecto de Investigación de Colecciones y Fondos Museográficos: “Estudio de la Cerámica y Restos Humanos en la Sierra de Ancash.” Resolución Directoral No 000012-2016/DGM/VMPCIC/MC. Ministerio de Cultura del Perú.